How To Check the Version Installed for Visual Studio, SSDT, and COZYROC SSIS+

How To Check the Version Installed for Visual Studio, SSDT, and COZYROC SSIS+

Once you have verified which versions you have installed below, please jump over to our Compatibility Charts on the Installation and Getting Started page to make sure all of these component are compatible with each other.

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Verifying the COZYROC SSIS+ Release

The existing release of the COZYROC SSIS+ Suite can easily be identified through the License Application, which is installed during setup. The License Application is used to retrieve and/or remove the license key.

NOTEFor newer SSIS+ releases it's also displayed in all task/component editor forms.

  1. From the Windows Start Menu , locate the COZYROC SSIS+ program and then Click to expand the sub-menu.
  2. Right-Click on the highest release available of the License Application and run as administrator ( See Figure-01 ).
Figure 01 Figure 01
Figure 02 Figure 02

Note: when the COZYROC License window appears, you find the release toward the bottom left corner ( See Figure-02 ).

Verifying the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) Release

One method in how to verify your current SSDT release is through the Control Panel ➡ Programs ➡ Programs and Features . Programs that are installed on your server are tracked and/or listed under the Programs and Features , which can be accessed through Control Panel .
  1. From the Windows Start Menu , locate the Windows System folder and then Click to expand the sub-menu.
  2. Click on the Control Panel ( See Figure-04 ).
  3. Click on Program and then Click on Programs and Features .
  4. When the Program and Features Window appears, scroll down and locate the program Microsoft SQL Data Tools - Visual Studio 2017 (See Figure-05) .  
    NOTE: For VS2019, please look for the version of "SQL Server Integration Services Project" extension instead.

  5. Using the  Compatibility Chart for SSDT , look up the build number to identify the release of SSDT.

Note: although Visual Studio provides version information, the information associated with SSDT can't help identify the accurate build number and/or release installed (See Figure-06 ).
Figure 04 Figure 04
Figure 05 Figure 05

Figure 06 Figure 06

Verifying the Visual Studio Release

  1. From the Windows Start Menu , locate the Visual Studio program.
  2. Right-Click on Visual Studio and run as administrator ( See Figure-07 ).
  3. Click on Help from the Menu bar.
  4. When the sub-menu appears, Click on the About Microsoft Visual Studio ( See Figure-08 ).

Note: when the About Microsoft Visual Studio dialog window appears, you will find the version located underneath the program name (e.g., Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017).

Figure 07 Figure 07

Figure 08 Figure 08

Figure 09 Figure 09

Verifying the SQL Server Version

  1. Within a new Query window in SSMS, execute the SQL select statement 'SELECT @@version'.

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