How to get a 30 day TRIAL key for free when the server is behind a firewall.

How to get a 30 day TRIAL key for free when the server is behind a firewall.

Requesting a trial license key will allow you to schedule and execute your packages under the SQL Job Agent for free. The trial key is only good for 30 days so if you are still testing and developing your packages using Visual Studio, there is no need for a trial key yet. 

Please review the Server without Internet access explanation video on the License page of the website.

Here are the steps to follow for this procedure:

1. On your production server, open the SSIS+ License application and copy the machine identifier from it.


      2. On a computer that has Internet access and can access the COZYROC license server, go to the license request page to get your license key. Enter the machine identifier from the production server and enter "TRIAL" as the licensee identifier.


3. Click on the “Get License” button and save the License.dat file provided.

4. Copy the License.dat file over to your production server.

      5. On the production server, open the License application again. Click on the “Deploy license key file” button. 

6. Select the file from the location where you copied it.

7. Your production server is now licensed for 30 days.

Note: If you notice that the License Expiration date has immediately expired when implementing the TRIAL key, then please take a look at the following KB article:

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