How to configure the Excel Source Plus component to use particular worksheet when the sheet name is unknown?
If you are planning to use only the first worksheet in the Excel file, but the worksheet name is unknown then the steps below should be completed:
1) Make sure that you are using 2.0 version of COZYROC SSIS+ and up, because this feature to reference sheet by index(:index) was first introduced in our 2.0 version
2) Right-Click on the Excel Source Plus component and select Properties. Look at the screenshot below:
3) On the Properties screen enter ':1' for property Worksheet. Look at the screenshot below:

If you would like to use always the second sheet when the name is unknown then you should enter ':2' for property Worksheet.
The index for the third sheet is 3 and etc..
If the specified sheet starts with the colon(:) symbol, then the Excel Source Plus component will treat the remaining definition as a sheet index.