Setting Up Salesforce Bulk Mode with COZYROC Script Salesforce Bulk Result Transformation

Setting up Salesforce Bulk Mode with COZYROC Script Salesforce Bulk Result Transformation

When using COZYROC Salesforce components in Bulk Mode the operations are asynchronous, meaning the results are not immediately available. If needed, the status, identifiers of newly created records, and any error information can be retrieved in an additional step using Script Salesforce Bulk Result Transformation. For example, after initiating a bulk insert, the script can retrieve the IDs of the newly inserted records and any error details. In addition, introducing such a step can be used to ensure the current bulk load is completed before the next set of operations is started.

Step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Salesforce Connection Setup
  1. Configure the Salesforce Connection: Set up your Salesforce connection in COZYROC.
    Step 2: Salesforce Destination Component Setup
    1. Configure Salesforce Destination Component:
      • Use the Salesforce Destination Component in Bulk Mode to insert accounts.
      • Create a String type variable, JobId, to capture the job ID.

    Step 3: Configure the Salesforce Destination Component
    1. Setup Salesforce Destination Component:
      • Select Bulk Mode in the Salesforce Destination Component.
      • Capture the JobId using a String type variable.

    Step 4: Setup the COZYROC JavaScript Component
    1. Add and Configure the JavaScript Component:
      • Use the COZYROC JavaScript Component Script Salesforce Bulk Result Transformation
      • Set the following parameters:
        • Connection: Select the Salesforce Connection Manager.
        • JobIdVariable: Choose the JobId variable created earlier.
        • BatchIdColumn: Select the Id column holding the batch identifier.

    Step 5: Retrieve and View Results
    1. Execution and Results:
      • Run the package. The script processes the results and populates the output columns.
      • The ResultId column shows the IDs of the newly created account records.
      • The Id column shows the batch identifier.
      • Error information, if any, will appear in the corresponding error columns (error code, description, message).

    Note! Please keep in mind that retrieving the results from asynchronous processing could decrease the processing speed.

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