REST Destination: How to modify the [REST Destination].[Parameter] property dynamically at runtime
The [REST Destination].[Parameter] property is available in the
data flow properties list. Follow these steps to set up an expression:
- Create a variable that can be loaded with the desired additional
parameters for
data insertion.
- Right-click on the data flow canvas and select
the Properties menu.
- Scroll down and find the properties in the group
called Misc.
- Note the name of the property you want to modify
dynamically at runtime. It will be named something like this: [REST Destination].[ Parameter]. This is the property containing
additional parameters for data insertion.
- Scroll down and find the Expressions property.
Set up an expression for the property noted above using a variable to
modify it dynamically at runtime.
The format for expressions to be used to construct dynamic [REST Destination].[Parameter] is [name]=[value]. Each parameter is separated with either just line feed (\n) or carriage return and linefeed (\r\n).
Example expressions:
- "filePath=" + @[$Project::GSheetGrades_FilePath] + "\r\n" + "range=" + @[$Project::GSheetGrades_SheetName] + "!C4:E15"
- "filePath=GoogleSheets/" + @[User::FileName] + "\n" + "range=Sheet1" + "\n" + "firstRowColumnNames=1"