Resource not found Error or Scope is not valid while Generating the OAUTH Token for COZYROC Graph, Dataverse or Exchange Online connectors

The application can be registered as Single Tenant or Multi-Tenant based on the organization needs. For how to choose between Single Tenant and Multi Tenant, you may refer to: Tenancy in Azure Active Directory Single Tenant :
Parameters that are required when you are generating the OAUTH Token for application that is registered as Single Tenant on Azure Portal. 1- client_id: provide your app client_id
2- client_secret: provide your app client_secret
3- tenant: provide your app tenanat_id
4- scope: Leave as default
After providing values for the above mention parameters,
If you still receive the the error while generating token, please make sure the the right API permissions has been assigned by Admin. Below Example contains API Permissions that are required in order to connect to Exchange Online connector. You will have to setup these permissions on Azure Portal.Multi Tenant : Parameters that are required when you are generating the OAUTH Token for application that is registered as Multi Tenant on
Azure Portal. 1- client_id (Leave as default)
2- tenant (Leave as default)
3- scope (Leave as default)
If you receive the error asking for ADMIN APPROVAL, contact the ADMIN or follow the below steps if you have admin access
1- Sign in to the Azure portal as a Global Administrator.
2- Select Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications > Consent and permissions > User consent settings.
3- Select Allow User Consent for apps
4- Select Save to save your settings.
For reference please see the below screen shot.