LDAP Destination attribute sAMAccountName for object Group is not initialized in the metadata

LDAP Destination attribute sAMAccountName for object Group is not initialized in the metadata

 If LDAP Destination column sAMAccountName is missing in the metadata for object Group then you should follow the steps below:
1. Open the LDAP Destination dialog box and go to the 'Input and Output Properties' tab.
2. Go to LDAP Destination -> External Columns list and add a column 'samaccountname'. Specify the type to be DT_WSTR and length 250.
3.  Go to LDAP Destination-> Output Columns list and add a column 'samaccountname'. Specify the type to be DT_WSTR and length 250.
4. Go to 'Column Mappings' tab and map the external -> output samaccountname column.
If the sAMAccountName is still not being seen, then you need to check if the user that you have used in the connection is allowed to retrieve the sAMAccountName.

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