How to use COZYROC Sage Intacct Connector Actions Read, Create, Update and Delete Http (Methods)

How to use COZYROC Sage Intacct Connector Actions Read, Create, Update and Delete Http (Methods)

  1. Sage Intacct Accounting and financial management ERP built for a true cloud architecture.
  2. Sage Intacct Bring tangible value to your organization’s strategy with cloud solutions.
  3. Sage Intacct Leading Accounting software for companies of any size. 
COZYROC Sage Intacct Connector

By using COZYROC Sage Intacct Connector external systems can; 
  1. GET data records from Sage Intacct instance.
  2. PROCESS the records.
  3. DELETE existing records.
  4. SAVE new or UPDATE current records into Sage Intacct instance.

Sage Intacct provides generic or open functions that can operate on multiple types of objects. The older, object-specific functions are labeled as legacy in the documentation, which means they are typically not enhanced. There are no plans to deprecate legacy functions, and in fact, there are cases in which they are the only functions available.

             Below are few examples of how you can pass query in JSON format to read data from Resources that are using open or generic function
  1. { "readByQuery" :  {  "object" : "EMPLOYEETYPE", "fields": "*", "query": "FORM1099TYPE = 'DIV'", "pagesize": "100" } }
  2. { "query": { "object": "ITEM", "select": { "field": [ "ITEMID", "NAME",  "RECORDNO" ]  }  }  }
             Below are few examples of how you can pass query in JSON format to read data from Resources that are using object-specific functions
  1. {"object": "GLACCOUNTBALANCE", "fields": "*", "query": "PERIOD = 'Month Ended Aug 31, 2008'", "pagesize": 10 }
  2. { "startdate": {  "year": "2016",  "month": "01",  "day": "01" },"enddate": { "year": "2017", "month": "06", "day": "30"},"startaccountno": "xxxx","endaccountno": "xxxx", "showzerobalances": "false" }
In Below screen shot 1.0 you can see there is a by default parameters with the name JSON, you can use this parameter and pass the query in the value column as mentioned below highlighted in red.
Screen Shot .10
Create, Delete and Update actions: In the below screen shot 1.1 we are using COZYROC JSON Source component and in screen shot 1.2 we are using COZYROC Rest Destination component to create a new Vendor record. In the screen shot 1.1 we have data representation in JSON format while in screen shot 1.2 we have selected Resource Vendor and action Create. The Update and Delete actions can be perform using the same process.

Screen Shot 1.1

Screen Shot 1.2

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