How to create a new SSIS IR via the Azure web UI.

How to setup a new SSIS IR with SSIS+ via the Azure web UI

NOTE: COZYROC is not responsible for maintaining and supporting a customer's environment.  The intention of this KB article is to give the customer a step in the right direction for installation in Azure.  Further assistance may involve contacting Azure support. 

The creation of a new SSIS IR via the Azure web UI is quite straightforward. Please follow the instructions from Provision the Azure-SSIS integration runtime - Azure Data Factory | Microsoft Docs and  Customize the setup for an Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime - Azure Data Factory | Microsoft Docs . You will need to upload to a blob container the desired version of SSIS+ (we recommend the latest official SSIS+ release) and to have a main.cmd with the following content:

msiexec /i SSISPlus-x64.msi /quiet /l %CUSTOM_SETUP_SCRIPT_LOG_DIR%\install.log
"C:\Program Files (x86)\CozyRoc\SSIS\License.exe" /azure /v /u TRIAL /d /l "%CUSTOM_SETUP_SCRIPT_LOG_DIR%\license.log"

In the last line, you can replace TRIAL with your Licensee Identifier, if you have already purchased a COZYROC SSIS+ license.
After completing the setup and starting the SSIS IR there should be a log directory created in a blob created (thus, you'll need also a Write access when creating the SAS token).

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