How do I create a connection with the JIRA configuration?

How do I create a connection with the JIRA configuration?

  1. Right click in the Connection Managers of Visual Studio and add a connection of type "REST".  
  2. Choose "Jira" for the "Configuration". Enter your "Server".  Decide whether you want to use Basic or OAuth in the "Authentication" dropdown.
  1. For "Basic" authentication, enter a Name and Password.
  2. For "OAuth" authentication, right click "New" button and follow the Wizard Steps and the tips in the following KB article "How to get a new REST token." for tips for successfully creating a new token.

  1. Test the connection for a successful connection.
  2. You now have a Jira connection that can be used in a REST Source or a REST Destination within a Data Flow to access Jira Resources.

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