Error Message: Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ''

Error Message: Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ''


When running package manually the package runs fine, but when running the package through a SQL Agent job it fails with the following error message.

Error Message: 

Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ''

Note: Error Message indicates an address that cannot be resolved.


COZYROC's connector will follow certain back and forth communication with the service to find what specific service address it should connect to.  The error above states that it cannot resolve the specific address shown.  This indicates that the network domain configuration is not permitting the SQL Job agent service to connect to the remote URL address. You may need to log into the server as the SQL Service account and manually add proxy settings for Internet Explorer to allow the account to browse remote URL's. 

You may also be able to accomplish the same result by specifying parameters in the "Proxy" tab of the Dynamics CRM connection manager.

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