Error Message: Flexible File Source failed validation and returned validation status VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA

Error Message: Flexible File Source failed validation and returned validation status VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA

While executing a package that uses Azure Flexible File Source in a Data Flow Task Plus, the following error message is received.
Error Message:
'"Flexible File Source" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA"'

There appears to be a bug in the Azure Flexible File Source component.  COZYROC has concluded that the Flexible Source component has a bug where ValidateExternalMetadata property is ignored and the component always validates. The only way to resolve this issue is to contact Microsoft support and ask them to fix their component to follow the SSIS guidelines. 

Customers are encouraged to up-vote the following bug report for Microsoft to consider fixing the issue.

Bug report
If you want to process CSV data from Azure, first download the file locally. Then use the standard Flat File component to process the data.

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